Hodgkin lymphoma
In the background are eosinophils, increased myeloid precursors and increased small lymphocytes and plasma cells. Cell A is a binucleate Reed‐Sternberg (RS) cells but can …
My Experience as a Biomedical Science Student
I’ve just finished my second year studying Biomedical Science at Cardiff University and here’s a little about my experience so far. Biomedical Science is a …
Trypanosoma cruzi
The worm like trypomastigote form has a slender form with a central nucleus and large kinetoplast (circular DNA inside a large mitochondrian) Curved, usually S …
Metastatic disease
Here is a nice example of metastatic disease, specifically prostate cancer in the bone marrow You can appreciate the clumping of cells typical of non-haematopoeitic …
Plasmodium Vivax
This was a case of Plasmodium Vivax although Ovale is also a good call: A. Trophozite – often multiply infected with large chromatin dots B. …
Megakaryocyte emperipolesis
The images show intact malignant B-ALL cells penetrating normal megakaryocytes What is emperipolesis? It is the active penetration of one haematopoietic cell by another cell, …